The Nine-Dash What?

I was listening to the BBC this afternoon on my public radio station. One of the subjects under discussion was the recent set-to between the Peoples’ Republic of China and Vietnam in the South China Sea which has included Chinese vessels ramming Vietnamese ones and a Chinese ship firing water cannon at a Vietnamese one.

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What’s this all about? Disputed borders between the Vietnamese, the Chinese, the Filipinos and the Taiwanese in the South China Sea; they all want two sets of islands which may (may!) have oil underneath them. What struck me as interesting was the mention of something called the Nine-Dash Line. Originally an eleven-dash line put forth by Chiang Kai-Shek’s Kuomintang Party in 1947, after Mao Zde-Dong and his gang of Communists took over China it was revised downward to nine dashes.

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See those green dashes? That’s what the Chinese claim to be theirs. You can see that it basically takes up about 90% of the South China Sea. It’s no wonder its neighbors who also have coastlines on that sea object.

Considering that Vietnam and China have fought about a hundred wars over the past two millenia, one as recently as 1979, this has the potential to get nasty.