I await the massacres

Headline: Georgia Passes Sweeping Expansion of Gun Carry Laws

Upshot (heh!): If you have a license to carry a weapon in Georgia, you can take that gun virtually anywhere. Churches, because the clergyman might suddenly espouse evolution as the true way of the world. Schools, because you never know when some mouthy teacher might tell you little Billy’s not doing well in his classes. Government buildings, because that McVeigh fella had the right idea. Most importantly, bars, because you never know when some damned Alabama fan might laugh at your Georgia Bulldogs.

What in the world are those idiots afraid of? Can they really think the Federal Government might come after their constitutional rights somehow and they’ll need to fight back? The US Army has both Fort Benning (armor and infantry) and Fort Stewart (mechanized infantry) in-state, and those divisions and regiments could probably defeat the rabble waving their handguns and rifles.

Add Georgia to my list of places I don’t need to see. I’d be worried about being in the wrong place at the wrong time with all those concealed weapons around. If I wanted to live in the Old West I’d use a time machine to get there.