Remote control devices, temperament thereof

I swear there must be thousands of these things thrown against walls every day. Mom’s has a mute button which seems to have gotten off-center from its spring inside the case. If you press it you run the risk of not getting your sound back without a fair degree of fussing and cussing.

I don’t advocate for the old days of walking to the TV and rotating channel knobs or volume buttons, but boy oh boy, some modern conveniences have their own little idiosyncrasies.

One Comment

  1. I think there needs to be a federal mandate requiring mute buttons on all TVs. I can’t tell you how many times I have been far away from the remote – say, washing dishes, while the remote was on the kitchen table – at the moment some incredibly inane commercial (“The Hoppah?” “The Hoppah!” “THE HOPPAH!” “THE HOPPPPPAAAHHHHH!!!” – p.s.: Screw you, Dish Network) came on, and I could not make it back to the remote in time to silence it. At these times I’d much rather be able to press a button on the TV to silence it.

    Hmmm…I suppose I COULD just yank the cable from the cable box in these situations.

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