Alabama’s immigration law

Kids didn’t go to school in fear that this law might result in their parents’ deportation. Think Progress quotes an Alabama news site: Many of the 223 Hispanic students at Foley Elementary came to school Thursday crying and afraid, said Principal Bill Lawrence. Nineteen of them withdrew, and another 39 were absent, Lawrence said, the …

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It’s not “Ten Days that Shook the World”, but . . .

The NYT’s Bats Blog has a link-heavy recap of last night’s baseball. It’s a lot of fun to read if you’re a baseball fan, which I am. I think there’s a distinction between team fan and baseball fan. I’m firstly a Dodgers fan, but they were out of the pennant chase by July, although Matt …

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Now THIS is a surprise

Google spokesman: “Politico gets more traffic from The Drudge Report than from Google,” Kovecevich said at a luncheon in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, adding that the company’s search engines field more than one billion searches per day. Who could have guessed that a gossipy and oft-wrong or misinformed political website might get more traffic from …

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“Christian Capitalism”

It’s nonsense. More, it’s not healthy for the country. . . . you have to be nearly unconscious not to realize that “Christian capitalism” is neither good Christianity nor good capitalism. It’s not “Christian” because it ignores the central teachings of Jesus on the moral imperative of taking care of the poor in the Sermon …

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Less religion, more good sense please

Study: conservatives “have so conjoined their religious faith with economic conservatism that economic conservatism has become a matter of faith. It is very hard to sway those people with a counter argument.” (My italics) The study also found that 20% of Americans believe God is in control of the economy. According to Froese, those who …

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