1. I have done my duty, at a poll station that confirmed that Democrats don’t believe in being organized. That’s OK. Everybody was in a good mood anyway.

  2. I did my duty, and the polling station confirmed that Democrats don’t believe in being organized. That’s OK. Everyone was in a good mood.

  3. I went to our local caucus. I took LiJun and her portable DVD player. She watched Pokemon and looked up when I poked her to see people putting ballots in a box. I told her this is how we choose a president, and she looked at me like I’m from Mars. Oh, well, she’ll get it someday.
    We had an odd hybrid. Previously, we’ve caucussed normally. This time, we had actual ballots with the presidential candidates. They handed them out as people came in, and they could vote and leave immediately, or sit down and do other business (elect a precinct chair, propose resolutions, etc.)
    The two people running things disagreed strongly with one another about what our votes meant. We were electing delegates to the state convention, but it isn’t at all clear that they are bound by our vote, if they were all supposed to support Obama, or if they were divided proportionally with Clinton. We left assuming that somewhere along the line, someone would tell them that.
    Oh, and they said that last time, there were 13 people in our precinct. This time, they counted 146 ballots.
    So that’s more than you wanted to know about politics in Minnesota!

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