Sorry for the comment confusion

Yesterday I upgraded WordPress (the publishing system for the blog) to version 4.0. Then I tried to access the comments and got an alarm saying the comment database needed to be upgraded, with no alternative but to click OK. I did, and Disqus (the commenting system) went sideways.

With a little bit of angst and a lot of frustration, I got it to work first thing this morning. We seem to have lost one comment on the Pooh and Piglet image post from John_from_Aus, but since that was asking about the commenting system, I think we can get along without it.

3 thoughts on “Sorry for the comment confusion

  1. Been there, done that, Link — I think we all have. (Taking a page from the Hanes commercials, it shouldn’t say “user-friendly” until I say it’s user-friendly!).

    Thanks for sticking with it . . . on this upgrade and through the whole year!