March 18, 2003

What, me prevaricate?

As stated below, some of the President's justification for war remains dubious, at best. Cheney contradicted himself on Meet the Press Sunday, for example; the vice president argued that "we believe [Hussein] has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons." But Cheney contradicted that assertion moments later, saying it was "only a matter of time before he acquires nuclear weapons." Mr. Vice President, you can't have it both ways. For an even more startling contradiction by the Veep, go here and read the final two paragraphs.

Newsweek hits the stands this week with a cover which makes me cringe: "Why America Scares the World". I think many of us have known this, and it surely won't persuade the hawks/warbloggers, but it is quite an indictment of Administration high-handedness in foreign policy. CalPundit pointed me towards the article and has some thoughts about it.

More media: here's a backgrounder on Kristol of the Weekly Standard, one of the primary Iraq war proponents; there's even a mention of the word cabal!

Posted by Linkmeister at March 18, 2003 03:23 PM

I heard about Cheney's flip-flop during the interview. Typical that he wasn't called to task on it.

I don't like what I'm seeing in the future . . .

Posted by: Scott at March 18, 2003 06:43 PM

Wasn't it Juliet's speech? "I have no joy of this contract tonight."

Posted by: Linkmeister at March 18, 2003 07:47 PM